Forensic Services

Forensic Re-Entry Services (FRS) Team
The FRS Team is made up of two case managers who go into the County Jail and link with clients about to be discharged from custody, and transition them back into the community by connecting them to mental health treatment, residential opportunities, and funding assistance.

Community Action Team
A TMHA Social Worker partners with the San Luis Obispo Police Department to have law enforcement and mental health support side-by-side in the field. The team members respond to calls involving mental health issues and look to provide immediate support options to the clients in crisis. Case management, therapy, and referrals to long-term supports (such as housing, employment, and primary health screening) may all be part of what this team provides.
If you have a friend or loved one currently dealing with the judicial or corrections system in San Luis Obispo or Santa Barbara Counties, contact our Family Support Specialists for guidance.