Planned Giving
Your support of mental wellness in our community can be a powerful, lasting legacy.
Has mental illness touched your life or the life of a loved one?
Over 25% of adults in the U.S. struggle with mental illness at some point in their life.
A gift to TMHA, no matter what size, can make a significant difference in the life of someone working to recover from mental illness.
With Planned Giving You Can:
- Create a Memorial to Honor a Friend or Loved One
- Focus on a Specific TMHA Program You Want To Support
- Contribute Directly to our Housing and Homeless Programs by Leaving Your Home to TMHA
There are four simple ways to make a legacy gift to TMHA. Click on any of the icons below to learn more, or contact Michael Kaplan, Community Engagement Director: mkaplan@t-mha.org or (805) 540-6513.
Download TMHA's Your Legacy, Our Mission brochure.