Retained Life Estate
If you’re experiencing high income tax liability, or just a desire for additional cash to spend, the Retained Life Estate arrangement is a painless way to derive cash from your property and contribute to TMHA’s mission.
You will also be removing a potential headache, expensive probate item, and taxable asset from your estate.
How does it work?
The Retained Life Estate arrangement is an opportunity to fund a charitable gift with your home, vacation home, or farm. While nothing changes in your current lifestyle or use of the property, the retained life estate arrangement generates a sizable income tax deduction for you in the year you establish the gift. At the end of the Retained Life Estate term (usually your lifetime or joint lifetimes), the property goes to TMHA as the charitable recipient.
Work with your Financial Planner or Estate Planning Attorney to develop a Retained Life Estate plan. If you do not have a Financial Planner or an Estate Planning Attorney, we are happy to recommend one in your area.
For more information, contact Michael Kaplan, Community Engagement Director: mkaplan@t-mha.org or (805) 540-6513.